Lena Chauhan - Weinsocialtech
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Lena is a passionate social entrepreneur and has been actively working with BAME community groups, Teens in A.I and Dementia care to create and build services and products resulting in a positive social impact. Through her company Rise IQ, she also develops ESG strategies for SME’s to work in line with the United Nations SDG’s.

Lena’s experience within the finance industry over twenty years developed her ability to identify and solve problems. Simultaneously, she effectively managed the health issues of herself, colleagues and loved ones by prevention and lifestyle changes.

That led to her setting up a medical concierge service, Rise IQ and successfully integrating it within financial institutions.
Rise IQ chair expert-led panels on mental health, addictions, hormone health, bias, leadership, health-tech & social impact to name a few and are aligned with achieving the United Nations SDG’s for 2030.

Her time in the health space led her to care for people with dementia on a personal and professional level.
She experienced first hand, how difficult it was to get simple & executable advice and became passionate about dementia care.
Rise IQ created a web app program incorporating lifestyle nudges which improved the symptoms of dementia, provided a better understanding for carers and a clear pathway for families. This was scientifically validated by UCL Dementia Research and recently sold to a larger distributor.
In Lena’s words “Much of the strategy, developing USP and user testing methodology was due to Rise IQ being part of Cohort 1. I am a huge supporter of this programme and have been one of its many positive outcomes”

Her key areas of expertise are:
• New business set up and development
• User testing methods for MVPs
• Financial forecasting
• Motivation during challenging periods


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